Sunday 29 October 2017

Aluminum Scaffolding Wins Hands Down

Aluminum has always faced comparisons with steel and wood. Aluminum is backed with some unique features and properties that make it strongest of all. After Aluminum stringers and Aluminum Trailer, the credibility of Aluminum Scaffolding was questioned in China.

It is a well-known fact that despite of being a temporary setup, weak scaffolding may lead to permanent damages. This is because of the nature of work and functions it is expected to perform are critical. Scaffold is used to perform aerial jobs like putting hoardings, repairing and restructuring damaged buildings etc. Since the job is to be conducted at a certain height, the risk involved is huge. Thus only strong scaffolding must be placed before to perform such activities.

Some of the properties that gives aluminum scaffolding an edge over others:

  • Aluminum is easy to carry from one place to another due its light weight. It is believed that it is 70 to 80% lighter than steel.
  • Aluminum’s strength bonds are much stronger than steel. On one hand where steel can only manage to support 2000kgs of weight and pressure, aluminum can easily handle 4500kgs.
  • It is easy to setup and install than others. Thus it saves a lot of time.
  • Its designing is kept very simple just a like structure blocks which requires no complicated tools or mechanism.
  • Another property of aluminum is that it is flexible in nature. And this proves to be very useful when some narrow structures are in context.

Pre-Fabricated Aluminum Stringers are Easily Available in Market

Time and money are two very important elements in human life. During construction of platforms, they become highly significant. As a mat...